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> Is there a vendor-provided way to shut this off?

In the Tesla Model 3 and Nissan Leaf there are menu settings to disable it. Additionally in the Leaf it prompts you at interval (every 2000 miles?) to notify you about it.

Leaf it prompts you at interval (every 2000 miles?

Or every g-ddamned time you start the car, depending if you have a first-gen or not. The GPRS radio in ours is unhooked, so now the button press is just ceremony so you can see the screen.

But do note the part where the cell radio is unhooked. Whatever the car, there’s a module in there somewhere that probably just needs to be unplugged.

> Or every g-ddamned time you start the car, depending if you have a first-gen or not.

My in-laws have a Ford Escape that does that.

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