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I also suspect that in the near future insurance companies will demand higher premiums from drivers who commute on more "dangerous" roads (i.e. roads on which statistically speaking more accidents happen). The companies already have easy-enough access to most of the drivers' GPS data, they certainly do know the GPS locations of most of today's accidents (via Waze-like services), I'm surprised why they haven't already started implementing this.

In fact there are insurers right now, which give a discount of up to 20% if you share your data with them and if you "follow the rules" like not driving so fast, not doing so much acceleration, …

The problem is, if more and more people switching to those insurances it becomes very expansive for people who mind their privacy.

The other issues is that their sensors always report bad driving. There is no upside to putting one on your car.

>I'm surprised why they haven't already started implementing this.

I would be completely unsurprised if they've run the numbers and determined that penalizing entire zip codes is far more lucrative.

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