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> why can I not gut my catalytic converter & change some programming so my car says the outputs are fine? Because the state wants me to get rid of my old functional car to support the economy of newer more expensive vehicles.

...also probably to protect the environment?

You have to have an incredibly inefficient vehicle for manufacturing and shipping a new one to be an environmental positive...

Catalytic converters reduce local pollution significantly. Smog reduction in major cities is in part due to their near-universality.

But the "manufacturing and shipping a new one" part is temporary until the majority of cars are replaced. The reduced emissions from more efficient cars will be permanent.

Yes, retrofitting would be better, but if that's not possible, what else would you do to get converters into cars?

Also, I think GP was talking about removing a converter from a car that already had one. Literally not doing anything would be better for the environment than that.

tHe sTaTE wAnTs tO cOnTroL me!!!!

modifies car to literally emit noxious emissions everywhere

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