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It's beautiful! It's a real shame that Haskell isn't portable.

What do you mean? Haskell has, last time I checked, an LLVM IR and a C backend, so it should be very portable.

What modern desktop or server platforms does it not run on?

It seems not to run well on some platforms like the minds of developers who don't want to take the time learn it.

It seems to build on all the Debian ports, except SuperH and kFreeBSD, neither of which are modern desktop or server platforms.


When I have the time I will port it to JavaScript to make it universal on all systems. But for now it only works on desktop machines that run Haskell. The installation script is only good for the UNIX for the time but I will add for windows

There’s ghcjs right? So maybe not super hard to port the core. I have basically no idea though.

Haskell can build for Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, and it can also compile to JavaScript. I don't know what your particular need is, but that fits my definition of portable.

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