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Summon Up Remembrance: Mnemotechnics and the Visualization of Memory (laphamsquarterly.org)
42 points by Hooke on Jan 11, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

This is an incredible summary in the history of the art of memory. Into mnemonic history, and the Chinese medicine hand mnemonic is new to me.

Funny how until recently, study of the art of memory was increasingly designated as occult, with periods of resurgence.

Also amazing how thin is the line between what most people would consider writing and techniques such as the lukasa. Viewed through this lens, math is both a language and remembrance technique for scientists and other practitioners.

Great article, but I was bummed it didn't cover Giordano Bruno. Most famous for getting burned at the stake in 1600 for his ideas. He wrote:

"I got me such a name that King Henry III summoned me one day to discover from me if the memory which I possessed was natural or acquired by magic art. I satisfied him that it did not come from sorcery but from organised knowledge; and, following this, I got a book on memory printed, entitled The Shadows of Ideas, which I dedicated to His Majesty. Forthwith he gave me an Extraordinary Lectureship with a salary."


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