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Facebook Japan Bans Pseudo Names And Requires ID (asiajin.com)
12 points by pwim on Feb 8, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

It might help to add some context that before facebook, the main SNS in japan was almost entirely populated by pseudonyms.

The article's not very clear, though -- the implication to me seems to be that Facebook wants the information, but you're still free to use pseudonyms on the service itself to keep your name private.

Some Japanese people have major problems with revealing their name -- either part of it -- online, though. It's not something I've ever encountered in America outside of, say, 1998.

On the other hand, it might help to add some context that, before Facebook, there was Mixi, which requires you to have a working cell phone (with e-mail) for verification. Since you have to submit all of this data (and more) to get a cell phone in Japan, you're already pre-verified if you have one.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Seriously, why is it so problematic if people use names they chose for themselves? There are even countries where it's a very bad idea to go online with your real name for fear of government persecution or other repercussions. Is Facebook going to enforce ID papers on, say, Egyptian dissidents as well? Sure they like to link all accounts with physical persons as intimately as possible, but it's not exactly in the best interest of their users.

Moreover, humans tend to have multiple identities. You see, I'm sort of another person for my family, than to my friends.

Facebook completely ignores this aspect.

Mhh, why do they care as long as they're not abusing the service (by phishing for instance)?

Soon in a facebook near you!

It might be a good idea to test this in Japan and see how they cope with it. If they can accept this, then anyone can.

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