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> It [elections] gives you an opportunity to select the type of community you want to live in.

I'm curious: how does that work out in practice? Do folks in the USA typically live in the type of communities they'd like to live in?

I’d like to think so but it’s a gradual shift. The county I live and grew up in was very conservative 10+ years ago, lately it’s been more liberal (but not as liberal at the state level). If you would’ve told me in the early 2000s the county would vote Democrat in the 2016 elections I wouldn’t have believed you.

People have told me they want to move out of my county because it’s becoming too liberal, whether they actually do it or not is up for debate. Mostly cranky old people, family included.

The West has historically been a tough of crime (old Wild West) place. Here’s an interesting Sheriff from Phoenix, Arizona. Joe Arpaio[1]. His tough on crime and immigration stance that made his career was also his down fall.

[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Arpaio

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