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> Since you did not read my post and obviously didn't read theirs, I'm not entertaining yours. You lack the required information to make a useful contribution to this thread.

Apologies for misunderstanding what “the prior positor” meant (did you mean “poster”?) — but wow I have to say your angry response seems highly disproportionate to my misinterpreting a typo of yours.

As you yourself lack the required humanity or empathy to make it worth having a conversation, I guess we’re both done.

I don't show humanity to people that don't act human off the bat. You invoked the golden rule with your condescension and lack of empathy in your statements. I'm merely returning the attitude which was presented to me.

And no, I meant positor - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/positor

That's a word you should've learned around 6th grade.

> I'm merely returning the attitude which was presented to me.

An eye for an eye indeed makes the whole world blind.

Sorry to have fueled your anger.

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