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iVerify, an app that tells you if you're hacked (trailofbits.com)
20 points by withzombies on Nov 15, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

> iVerify periodically scans your device for anomalies that might indicate it’s been compromised, gives you a detailed report on what was detected, and provides actionable advice on how to proceed.

How can that possibly work in a meaningful way when the app is sandboxed on iOS?

It can only detect noisy compromises of the phone. So it can detect the public jailbreaks but it won't detect state level malware. https://able.bio/elizabethwind11/testing-iverify--12unx2t

Thanks for your review, however, I wouldn't go as far to say that.

You don't know what a given nation-state will do or what tools they will use. It's likely that many of them use lightly modified, off-the-shelf tools. Additionally, guides in the app offer the possibility to discover avenues of compromise we cannot automatically detect (e.g., Gmail settings, Apple profiles, etc).

You're also looking at our 'minimum viable product'. We'll continue to enhance the detections over time, introducing new ones in updates that we expect will take people by surprise. We'll address the specific technique you described in your blog in a future version.

Finally, where you and I agree is that comprehensiveness of the checks are limited by Apple's own sandbox. As an app in the App Store, we're limited to using only public APIs. However, we also have an enterprise app that is capable of using significantly enhanced checks when distribution via MDM is an option.

I acknowledge, in the app FAQ and in interviews, that this is not a complete solution to securing iOS, however, it is the best possible you can do within the constraints provided by Apple. I think we'll be surprised by what we find as more people install the app and its detections continue to mature.

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