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Facebook Ads removed our permissions, still charges us money (adafruit.com)
40 points by zdw on Nov 15, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Not sure if this is in relation to the previous ban on Limor's account, but that highlights an important mitigation strategy in today's world of centralized cloud providers: create separate accounts for each independant service you need from the provider, and especially, separate personal and company accounts.

Imagine getting your company's marketing operations in jeopardy because you forgot to censor a painting with nude people before sharing it on your personal Facebook feed. Or getting locked out of your website hosting because you used Gmail to send a bunch of event invites that got flagged as spam.

This right here is one of the reasons the self-hosting and open source world is growing so much as of late. You simply can't trust most large companies not to smash every egg you put into their basket.

I love you Adafruit but when you deal with criminals expect to get robbed once in a while.

Blaming the victim doesn't help anyone.


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