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ctack on Nov 15, 2019 | hide | past | favorite

Related: Julian Assange's judge and her husband's links to the British military establishment exposed by WikiLeaks


So we're playing 7 degrees of Julian Assange again are we?

So Assange's judge's son's employer has a fund with an investment in a company that employs some people who used to work at security agencies.

It's pretty shocking that Assange's Judge's son works in private equity. I've never heard of a judge's child going out and getting a good job in finance before -especially not one whose previous gone to Eton. Clearly there's something untoward going on.

It's pretty damn concerning that one of the funds that this PE company has raised has invested literally dozens of companies one of which is a cyber security company, it's clearly wildly inappropriate for PE companies to be investing in that sort of thing. Not least because of the outrageous proportion of the fund that's invested in the cybersecurity company. Their investment in that cybersecurity accounts for as much as 1.25% of the portfolio, there's very clearly something questionable going on here.

Frankly, I can barely suppress my outrage at the fact that a cybersecurity company of all companies is employing people who have previously worked in cyber security for the government. Those bastards. Everyone knows, you never hire qualified experts in the field your company is meant to be operating in.

Finally I'm also particularly outraged by the data that the Russian's hacked from the DNC and then handed to Julian Assange to publisOH Shit sorry! Got confused about what links I'm meant to be making again. No, some random Private Equity guy is the real enemy here.

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