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djsumdog on Nov 14, 2019 | hide | past | favorite

Our leaders are the finest men, and we elect them again and again.

Although the article is phrased as "look at these right wing demagogues", it's not like this strategy of ignoring truth and using fear isn't also used by the political left. Certainly, the old notion of "liberalism" has been abandoned.

The left has been co-opted by corporations. They have used liberal policies to water down the cost of labour through mass immigration. They use trade agreements to decentralize their labour to avoid disruptions from unrest. They use social benefits as subsidies for their businesses. They have used identity politics to break down the family unit to create more consumers. Tyranny is a reaction to people getting really unhappy with corporate control.

Yes, but the left only brings this up when a republican is president

True, but it works vice-versa. I remember what Fox News & conservative radio pundits used to say during Obama's two terms.

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