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I find it amusing that the author wrote an article about how they miss the internet of the 90s while at the same time acknowledging that they were 5 in 1998...

I lived through the entire 90s and I'm not sure I actually remember using the internet at all in that timeframe. The earliest I can definitively pin my internet usage is 2000 or 2001, and the warm, fuzzy nostalgia period I remember is finding and playing online Flash games in the 2001-2004-ish time frame.

Of course, until we got broadband internet (mid-noughts), connecting to the internet was rather more annoying, and as such, computer time was mostly playing local computer games instead of browsing the internet.

Coming here literally to talk about this.

The youthfulness of the article is adorable albeit a little naieve.

Maybe we are getting old. I still feel like a kid and there are many greybeards that were born of the digital revolution that are "older than most."

It is funny how people think the Internet started in 1995. I was using the Arpanet for email in 1980. And my colleagues had been using it for several years at that time.

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