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> The first two shuttles were only designed around a crew of 2 where this design made more sense.

Only the first I think, unless you're count Enterprise (which couldn't go to space.) Challenger (the second orbit-capable shuttle) never flew with less than four crew.

Incidentally, the ejection seats of questionable worth in Columbia weren't without NASA precedent; the Gemini program also used ejection seats which similarly had a pretty narrow window of usefulness at best. One of my favorite pictures ever is this shot of the Gemini capsule with both hatches open, giving a pretty clear view of how the seats would have worked: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e2/Armstron...

Since Enterprise was initially intended to go to space, (to be completed after the flight tests) I'd count it for design purposes.

STS-1 through STS-4 all had a crew of 2 on Columbia.

That's a great photo! Really illustrates how small the capsule was.

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