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Interesting - if you don't mind indulging me a little, it was surprising to me that you chose kubernetes as the first implementation for this standard. After all, if a large part of OAM's functionality is provided by k8s out of the box (auto-scaling, for example) it's not very useful to someone who knows the existing tech. Kubernetes is, by and large, already portable with minimal dev resources between the major cloud vendors and/or on-prem resources.

On the other hand, if you can pair already-written software with a collection of VMs and place an OAM layer between the machines and business logic, the portability of your code between OAM-compatible vendors becomes a selling point for the standard. I know a large project like this is a team effort, but can you shed any light on the reasons behind your decision-making and prioritization towards kubernetes?

OAM is the app mgmt API for K8s, while not only for K8s. So implement it firstly on K8s is a natural choice. You may argue hey why I need app mgmt API for K8s. Well, have you ever tried to expose full Deployment api for developers to describe their app? My personal experience is super messy ...

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