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Ubuntu 19.10 (ubuntu.com)
58 points by FeatureIncomple on Oct 17, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Link to the release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EoanErmine/ReleaseNotes#New_features...

More informative than this blog post's buzzword-salad: Kubernetes at the edge of your multi-cloud topology integrating accelerated machine learning developer productivity enhancements

>The Chromium browser is only available as a snap in 19.10.

A little disappointing since snaps still have Windows 10-style unskippable updates and don't quite integrate with the system as normal deb packages would. What other debs are planned to be replaced by snaps?

I don't believe there is a plan for replacement yet. The justification for snapping Chromium seems valid to me. I don't know if the same conditions exist for other commonly used software. That said when the different bugs do get ironed out maybe it will make sense to increase the number of default snaps.

Thank you for linking the notes.

Also, "buzzword-salad", I like that.

Can someone ELI5 the emphasis on the term edge? What edge are we talking about here? The developers machine? Embedded environments? It’s unclear.

Its a vague term that only a marketer could love in my opinion. In this context "edge" appears to refer to more or less anything running some cloud-y technologies outside of the cloud, including on devices with relatively limited capabilities (at least as opposed to cloud infrastructure).

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