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Kids these days: Why the youth of today seem lacking (advances.sciencemag.org)
11 points by bookofjoe on Oct 17, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

(rant ( So that explains it!!! I must have memory bias.

So when I remember that I've had a job (or several) continuously since I was in 6th grade (paperboy, oil-change,food delivery,etc.) and then I notice that the 22-25 year old college new hires, that have NEVER worked a day in their life before, seem lacking in the "umm... it's a JOB" department, it's probably just my memory bias.

I was probably sitting in the basement gaming, not actually working my way through school at 3 different jobs like my memory bias says.

And it totally makes sense now! Because I'm really good a troubleshooting and working out solutions to problems, that's why I notice it so much that if "Dr. Google" or "Mr. StackOverflow" don't have an answer, or if that answer is ludicrously wrong, that the youths seem so lost at what to do next. Just cognitive bias. I probably got really good at what I do by staring blankly at the screen when I was stuck, claiming success anyway, hoping no one would notice, and organizing a taco run. Maybe some memory bias too, because I remember having to solve problems myself and not being able to afford tacos runs.

And I thought I was good at looking at things and making sound judgements. Good judgement is part of being a good engineer, after all. So again that must be why I'm so extra unconvinced by shallow (and/or excessively elaborate) arguments that the current generation as a whole isn't lacking in certain obvious ways. Of _course_ every generation in history has always said that and only some of them were right.

Not all people of a generation are the same or have the same qualities. My generation, the ones before, or after. Perhaps the youths of today, as a group, are better at different things. Like things that don't involve work or survival... For example, posturing as if they are suffering, while avoiding it, mostly. Deflecting. Blaming.

Not all individuals of any generation fit a generalization. So if you are a good one, or a great one, of any generation, don't be insulted by my opinions. Be insulted by those that do fit the generalizations that let us all down. ))

You found a way to completely miss the point, be offended, and do the very same deflecting and blaming that you accuse younger people of.

Just because you’re closed minded and ignorant of the next generation’s challenges doesn’t mean they don’t exist. This is nothing more than wanting to feel special for something as stupid as your age. Congrats, you’re the subject of this research.

Oh, I'm not offended. Whether it was my generation or my upbringing, I'm not sure I know what that even means.

I do understand the challenges and they largely do not exist. Ask someone who grew up in WWI, WWII, or even the cold war. They got all of the same, with an extra side of famine, war, totalitarianism, nuclear annihilation and more. You have expensive housing and degrees that are a bad value proposition. And weather.

Who is a study of whom? :)

In articles of the social concern species there is a cousin to Betteridges Law of Headlines.

If "[Social Concern] is not true" - then it has some legitimacy in proportion to the volume of articles expressing that it is not true.

When something is true it does not require messages reinforcing the message that it is true.

Millennials are obviously substandard workers - not that it ought to matter but I am one. Our information media promotes an exaggerated dark and cynical model of life which inhibits agency.

Not for nothing somebody like Elon Musk comes from South Africa.

I think a person's trajectory can introduce some biases. In antiquity, culture and economics changed more slowly. The same people did the same jobs, often by heredity. Now things move so fast it's entirely reasonable for kids to assume they may have a career path that doesn't yet exist. The pioneers of the previous generation who built up now well-established industries with their skilled colleagues are no longer on the edge. Their pool of applicants has changed because they have become the safe bet. The highly skilled youth are off elsewhere carving out their own niches.

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