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> But I do know that on our much smaller team the back end engineers have become thoroughly comfortable with performing those tasks for their own applications with a little assist here and there from devops.

The challenge I'm wrestling with is the smaller teams you're referencing -- the ones who can write the Kubernetes YAML for Ingress, HPAs -- they aren't representative of mainstream enterprise developers. More importantly, they're not representative of the millions of new developers who we need to empower with simpler code-to-cloud solutions that are also build on a layered, industry-standard foundation (e.g. Kubernetes).

How do we empower these new developers without separating concerns and reducing cognitive overhead around ops?

>> The challenge I'm wrestling with is the smaller teams you're referencing -- the ones who can write the Kubernetes YAML for Ingress, HPAs -- they aren't representative of mainstream enterprise developers.

Yeah its an interesting question, and I think to some extent it is addressed by the devops model. If you take the entirety of a kubernetes deployment manifest as an example, it represents a range of concepts that cross over from the application to the infrastructure sphere. On the one hand back end engineers should certainly be able to specify their own entrypoints, probes, environments, etc. On the other they are probably not qualified to set affinity and toleration, and might not be familiar with the finer details of probe timing properties or update strategies, again just to give a few examples.

On our team we recognize that a range of inputs are needed from different perspectives to achieve the final deployment spec. The pipeline is based on kustomize and patches so back end engineers can write the patches that set up things like I mentioned above, and devops (which in our group is a role combined somewhat with SRE) can assist in fine tuning those, and in writing patches to set the infrastructure level concerns like what nodepool the thing has affinity for. It's worked well for us but I am not expert in the enterprise arena.

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