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Gabe from the Azure team.

+1 on YAML having its fair share of problems. I like to think of them as our collective problems, since nothing has emerged to replace YAML yet. If something does I’m certain OAM could be adapted to it.

I’ve personally seen some promising exploration of config through Turing-complete languages like TypeScript. See Pulumi.

> …nothing has emerged to replace YAML yet…

I think if you have this viewpoint, you have probably defined your problem too narrowly, and may want to revisit some of your requirements.

I took a look at some of the example config files in the GitHub, and what I see are future problems when people deploying applications need to use some kind of templating system to deploy multiple variations of an application (e.g. production / development, or different replicas).

If you show these configuration files and ask a developer to whip up some templates, they are almost certainly going to reach for a text templating system, and down the road you will see broken configs. This creates an additional burden for tech leads who will need to educate their team on how to avoid the various traps when generating YAML files.

I could be deeply mistaken here about the nature of how these config files work, but that is my first impression. What I would be looking for if I were evaluating this software is an alternative configuration format which is more “bulletproof” like JSON or XML, since I know that there is excellent tooling for these formats, and they don’t suffer from the same kinds of traps and other defects as YAML does.

YAML is pretty close to the same as JSON for import/export functionality. There are even converters to transform through JSON for this data... there's no reason not to use it similarly.

If you're using a language that doesn't have an open-source package/module for YAML, I'd be surprised.

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