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UK phone number transfers between networks are handled through a Yahoo Group (twitter.com/eilidhmax)
22 points by ga-vu on Oct 17, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I feel it's helpful in these cases to distinguish between "crazy" and "unusual". It might not be unusual; it's definitely crazy.

Not transfers, but rather notifying the other carriers of new number range assignments so they can condition their switches to route them. Not as bad as it sounds.

This is a tweet about a tweet...the link should be changed to the original tweet instead of the current link.

I like the tone of this paper:

"A review might consider whether it is befitting for the world's sixth largest economy to manage critical national infrastructure via a Yahoo group but we would hope that is obvious."

I hope they change before Yahoo Groups deletes all content in December!


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