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> This statement sounds very backwards to me. Isn't this increasing the separation between devs and ops which we want to get rid of?

I think the answer is that this can't be settled once and for all, because there are economies from specialisation and diseconomies from coordination.

My general view these days is that for a sufficiently large org, you will inevitably have a degree of separation between application engineering and platform engineering. What's important is to establish relatively clear contracts between them which avoids unnecessary complexity and delay being transmitted across the Conway boundary.

Good interfaces and technical contracts between the roles make this a lot easier. It used to be that getting something up and running was difficult because the incidence of cost and control fell on opposite sides more than once. For example: As a Dev, I need a place to run my software (cost). But someone else needs to provision and install it (control). Or: as an Operator, I don't want to be paged at 3am (cost). But someone else wrote the app (control).

When you draw the boundaries so that devs get self-service and ops get to (mostly) ignore what's inside the self-service boxes, a lot of this tension largely vanishes. That's not so much about whether folks sit in the same team and more about using technology to dissolve the tensions altogether.

Disclosure: I work for Pivotal, we have been known to dabble in this sort of thing.

Well said, Jacques.

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