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I don't really understand what you're saying here. It's definitely not a matter of being "cool" or not.

There's always going to be a need for some structured static configuration file format. Be it XML, INI, TOML, JSON, YAML, properties files, or whatever.

From my perspective, YAML and JSON have been more successful and well-liked than XML because they map much more directly to the basic data types common to all programming languages. How do you represent a list or a map in XML? Well, it depends...

Besides missing straightforward ways to map common data structures, XML is also way more verbose and much harder to read and write by hand than YAML and JSON. And no, there really is no way to easily map between XML and these languages. Again, how do you specify a list in XML?

Add to that the fact that for most use cases, marshaling and unmarshaling YAML can be handled directly with common libraries. But to parse XML into your internal data structures? You're going to have to write code, or decide on some schema to encode your data in before converting to XML. So XML didn't actually solve your problem of "how do we serialize this data?" It just provided a framework within which it was possible to write further standards.

Add onto all of this, that XML pretty early on started adding layers of confusing and contradictory standards and associated tools--XML Schema, XML Namespaces, XPath, XSLT. And still, none of those things solved the underlying problem. They just provided the framework.

And to that that XML is much, much more expensive to parse than JSON and YAML...

So I guess I don't get why you are confused. XML addresses a different set of problems than YAML, and it does so in an overly-complicated manner that's both human- and machine-unfriendly.

serialization is explicitly not the problem being discussed. JSON also sucks at serialization but much less than YAML or XML both. i don't care that much about serialization.

what i care about is writing yaml for the purpose of configuration and not have any feedback about whether the data i've prepared by hand is actually a valid configuration. not having to have a schema is a bug in the spec for this use case in all those nice acronyms and shortcuts you've listed above and they're all guilty of it. i'd like my configs strongly typed and well documented and none of the above helps developers do that - and that's where my confusion comes from.

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