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I concur, my same reaction as well. Every place I've worked at where there was a line drawn in the sand like this, showed a huge amount of dysfunction, chair spinning and finger pointing.

Gabe from the Azure team here.

If you’re talking about orgs where software is tossed over the wall from dev to ops, then I agree. The goal here is to empower the internal ops function to build self-service platforms with clean interfaces so developers can do what they do best, which is write code and business logic.

> "developers can do what they do best, which is write code and business logic"

That is the exact mentality that I see as totally dysfunctional.

Unfortunately, that's not what OAM could provide to you.

OAM is just a contract between dev and ops so ops could tell what he has (Trait) in a way dev understand, and dev could tell ops what he want (Components) in a way easy to manage by ops. That's all.

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