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I’ve really thought that something like this was needed for a long time. Why isn’t there standardised containers for user management and permissions, authentication, scheduling things, processing events, caching say... there are off the shelf containers for simple things like proxying but nothing that understands your application. And it looks like they have taken it further to include Functions and Actors which might be useful and allow easier scaling of certain things. Let’s hope this goes some way to addressing that.

MarkF from the Azure team. We thought so too. Having seen developers reinvent the same capabilities time and time again, and seen the frustration when my favorite framework X did not have a certain capability, we wanted to provide a distributed system building block approach. And one that can be just dropped in with local calls without having to recompile in many different libraries. It is an approach that we have found to provide easier extensibility and also support.

Gabe from the Azure team here.

You nailed it. We think that microservices building blocks enabled by extensible side-cars has a lot of potential. We’d love you to take it for a spin and provide some feedback on GitHub. :)

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