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The Life, Death and Resurrection of Computer Art Group Mistigris (paleotronic.com)
13 points by empressplay on Oct 18, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Thanks for sharing, very interesting read (for someone who was born too late to witness this zeitgeist of blooming demoscene, underground zines, VXing &c).

Can anyone recommend similar writeups?

Not a write up but BBS: The Documentary is covers a lot of what you’re asking about.

BBS: The Documentary (commonly referred to as BBS Documentary) is a 3-disc, 8-episode documentary about the subculture born from the creation of the bulletin board system (BBS) filmed by computer historian Jason Scott of textfiles.com.



Cheers! Just remembered that Polgar's Freax is on my reading list.


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