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Restoring the Salvator Mundi (airmail.news)
31 points by got-any-grapes on Oct 15, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

If you are interested in art restauration, I can highly recommend the Baumgartner Fine Art Restauration channel on YouTube:


It's extremely relaxing to watch. I guess I chose to wrong profession.

If you understand German, there was also a good 45 min documentary about a restaurator a few weeks ago on SWR:


His gilding skills are superior to Baumgartners.

I came here to recommend the Baumgartner channel. Seeing how this has already been taken care of, have my upvote :)

There's a detailed breakdown of the restoration process from page 66 in this Christie's online magazine:


Short, but nice article. If you’re interested in restoration you might enjoy Baumgartner’s YouTube channel


I wholeheartedly second this recommendation. I love that channel, and I don't even understand why. The videos are incredibly soothing and pleasing. They speak to the craftsman in me.

Apparently Baumgartner and his techniques are under some criticism from other restorers, but all I could find was a somewhat angry Reddit thread.

Wasn't this the painting that Michael Lewis suspected that it isn't by Leonardo?

Edit: It is, indeed: https://news.artnet.com/art-world/michael-lewis-salvator-mun...

Her adulating tone frankly undercuts her claims, namely that the Louvre is not questioning the attribution.

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