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To be fair, that game is going places no AAA title in existence today will go. So it’s debatable that anyone visiting that archive will have experienced a contemporary, mainstream game that does the same themes. It even makes the most sense for Archive.org, because the Apple App Store would never allow that game.

While I personally find nudity and sex conquest games pretty stupid, and I recognize there are a lot of interesting boundary pushing indie titles out there, it does show how utterly dead games distribution and production has gotten if people find Leisure Suit Larry in Archive.org interesting enough to try.

From what I remember when I was 14, besides the nudity, the game is still an actual sierra game with good brain wracking puzzles (a bit more unfair and rough than lucasart games) and goofiness...

It pushed boundaries and the theme is not necessarily politically correct but below the surface the game is also good and cannot just be reduced to that

Isn't Steam full of games that would make Larry blush? I thought it was a mjor point of controversy. True they are not AAA titles, but it's not like the options aren't there.

Yeah but skewed towards Japanese anime-eque visual novels, plus a lot of low hanging fruit, like tetris... but naked.

Source: had a roommate/former coworker that was deep into that rabbit hole.

>Isn't Steam full of games that would make Larry blush?

Yes, and also there's porn.

Larry was an actual game, and a great one, at that.

And it never took itself too seriously.

There's a remake of the original game on the iOS and Macintosh App Stores:

> Now Larry’s original creator, the world-famous game designer Al Lowe, has teamed up with Sierra Veteran Josh Mandel, to bring this amazing, perverted game back to life – updated and expanded in every way imaginable! All we kept from the original game is the plot.



I really don't think this is a reflection of the current games industry. It's people's nostalgia for a game they played when they were fourteen and hormonal.

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