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Thanks for the article. I think it will be helpful.

Can I ask, either OP or anyone else, what sort of percent of your traffic comes from SEO? I've seen it stated on the web that 70%-80% of traffic comes from searches, but for me, it's more like 5%, with adwords and direct links being the rest.

It really depends on the type of business. Notably, a lot of smaller direct sales web companies have almost all of their traffic come from SEO.

Most sites I have been involved with see 50%-70% of traffic from search. More brand equity = less importance for search.

More importantly though, search tends to convert way way better than really anything else (ppc included) when goals tracking (ie nav to contact page and thank you page).

You can probably give your traffic a lot of growth by investing more time into efforts with SEO in mind. Let me know if you need help. :)

This ^

I've managed sites with nearly 99% of traffic coming directly from search engines and some as low as 5%. It correlates directly with the type of site you are managing.

If you are targeting a very specific niche community, you would likely receive much better results injecting yourself into that community and becoming an authoritative figure and focusing on direct marketing then an all-out SEO campaign. However, if your selling cases for the iPhone 4, your much better off with focusing all of your efforts on conquering the top spots on Google.

Wow, sounds like I've been doing it all wrong for four years. Pretty much just thrown up some adwords and worked on my game and never really thought about SEO at all since it all seemed a little bit sleazy.

Not at my computer, but BCC typically sees half of traffic and 75% of profit from organic SEO.

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