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I agree that Payment Intents is a lot more complicated than Charges - it's like a snowball effect where a small amount of extra complexity in an underlying API (SCA) gets exaggerated into ever more complexity with each API that added on top of it.

By the time it gets to our implementation it's horrible and occasionally (2% of the time?) we get a payment attempt that the client has handled and submitted to our server but isn't in succeeded state. We temporarily fix this by redirecting them back to the payment page but this time in 'Charges' mode. Which seems to work about 50% of the time I wonder how much of this complexity is necessary - inevitable given SCA - and how much is because of Stripe's desire to support DD / bank-based payment methods in one integration. I guess we will see if, once SCA becomes widespread, other payment processors have simpler integrations...

Speaking of SCA, I really don't understand the motivation - it's not like higher fraud rates were hurting consumers, since those costs were borne by the merchants. My suspicion is that it is in the interest of card-alternatives like Sofort to add some friction to card payments, after all if every customer has to visit their bank for authentication anyway, why bother with a card payment at all?

That said, it is infuriating that after wasting all that time re-developing, SCA doesn't seem to have gone live at all. It reminds me of GDPR - the law abiding god-fearing types spend weeks worrying about compliance, disrupting their business; whereas the cowboys just take no notice - and get away with it.

It seems to be how the EU rolls: sweeping changes with terrifying penalties and sudden deadlines followed by minimal or selective enforcement.

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