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Stripe is one of many services I would like to use but can't because they simply don't work in my country. I understand it can get somewhat complicated due to legalities I probably don't understand (or maybe the market is too small to even bother). But if your Navy can go through the country I live in, could you folks (in general and not directed at anyone) please try a little harder?

Where do you live? Our roadmap—literally—is quickly expanding to many more countries (we just launched in 8 new countries last week). And this new funding round will be put to use for that. :)

I wasn't expecting a reply, but it was nice to get one. I was just venting my frustration.

Panama, Central America. I signed up for the email notification - years ago :)

Not OP but I know a bunch of South African makers who'd love to be using Stripe instead of our alternatives.

Romania is waiting for Stripe too! Guys, please. What is the hold-up?! It's all EU anyway...

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