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Hi! Reading your tutorial I wanted to leave a quick comment on HN and was worried you wouldn't see it. Nice to see you're present!

Thanks, I liked reading it a lot. It's a good refresher, since I never use haskell but have read about this a couple of times.

The tutorial appears great on mobile, so I was able to refresh my memory very quickly. However, the code boxes had a very small font. I think this could me easily fixed with fome html-fu on the meta tag or the sizing of the box/font.

I also think that it would be great it you could explain at the end what is a counterexample input for the small haskell program. For example, if the user inputs a file that doesn't exist, then the readFile returns Nothing, then putStrLn returns Nothing. There's a sentence in the conclusion that explains that monads are nice to use but not why. I understand that it deals with values inside contexes, but in practice how does it affect development?

Thank you for the praise. For me, the inline code has about the same font size as the surrounding text, maybe smaller, and the block code has a bigger font. Is it possible for you to send me a screenshot?

I'm a little confused by your last paragraph. My last code example doesn't use readFile and putStrLn, and it isn't written in Haskell?

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