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It's a function of stability: I want to limit the number of variables that can impact my company. If things go south between Oracle and the rest of the open community, it will cause distraction as the dev community switches to the open VM (with no guarantee it is 100% compatible thanks to no compatibility tests) and I switch over to the open VM (with no experience as to its scalability and stability).

There is no doubt that a year later, all would be fine, but in that year, my pain was increased (potentially, obviously). Would I re-write code for this potentiality? Not a chance. Does it factor into my decision for a new architecture? Absolutely.

The short of it is that I don't trust Oracle. I haven't for many years, but I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt when they purchased Sun in hopes Sun's culture might impact Oracle's. They have proven they are going to behave exactly as I expected them to. My company won't have infrastructure from companies I don't trust.

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