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~$10k, 100kms per charge. I'd buy one if it was available outside of china.

You could buy a used leaf today, it has USA safety features, is at that price point (mine cost 9.9k after fees, you can find them now for less) and has more than 100kms range. The leaf is better than this car in a hundred ways.

What could stop this from being grey-market legal in the US? Usually it's tailpipe emissions, which obviously don't apply.

> What could stop this from being grey-market legal in the US?

Impact safety is the usual one besides emissions, which as you note shouldn't be an issue.

Mandatory safety features, lack of impact testing, lack of service/repair infrastructure, and an abundance of <10k used electric cars (leafs for example) that do not have these drawbacks.

How about spontaneously exploding batteries?

The US auto market already has cars that catch fire randomly.

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