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> On the flipside, the kernel developers are a group of people with a detailed understanding of what makes C unsafe, and how to watch out for it in code reviews. I'm not saying that every bug gets caught in code review, not by a long shot, but the kernel developers as a group don't have any experience with reviewing Rust code, let alone reviewing it for unsafe or undefined behavior.

I believe the kernel core developers are good programmers and good at code reviews. That said, a huge proportion of Linux CVEs are memory-safety problems -- use-after-free, race conditions, out-of-bounds access, etc -- which do not exist in safe Rust.

> I can understand if the kernel developers want to hold off on using Rust for more central parts of the kernel until this work is farther ahead.

I can understand this too! It takes time for large communities to change, and the only real research we have on `unsafe` is the RustBelt paper, which demonstrates that the concepts of the borrow checker are sound provided that `unsafe` code respects its invariants. The way this framework has been pitched, though, is for building optional modules. If everyone takes this seriously, I think it'll result in wins all around -- Linux benefits from memory-safety improvements, Rust benefits from kernel developers' experience, and the world benefits from having more secure code running in ring-0. I'm looking forward to this.

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