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Police can get your Ring doorbell footage without a warrant (arstechnica.com)
27 points by koolba on Aug 21, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

> "If you're a good upstanding person who is doing things lawfully, nobody has concerns," the officer told GovTech

And this is the slippery slope of, "oh so you're asserting your rights? You must have done something wrong." Where asserting your rights is cause for suspicion, and therefore probable cause.

Why shouldn't we just put the camera in your house? If you're not doing anything wrong, nobody has concerns...

Is anyone actually surprised? A person can’t trust any cloud service since it is under one entity! Google, amazon, and dropbox seem to have no qualms with the government’s big brother policy.

It would be funny to attach the ring to a mobile hotspot and drive around with it on your dash cam. Also, I just launched a kickstarter:


Well, I'm glad I didn't get one. They always seemed a bit sketchy to me (can they access my video without permission?), and I'm glad my fears weren't misplaced.

I'm not buying any cloud service without E2E encryption, it's just not worth it.

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