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Greenland's ice is melting at the rate thought as worst-case scenario in 2070 (businessinsider.in)
24 points by hker on Aug 17, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Extinction of the human race so some people could live the really good life for a really short period, how many yachts and front yard golf courses does one needs?

Extinction won’t come about because the handful of people with yachts and golf courses led really good lives and used a fantastic amount of resources to do so. It’ll come about because hundreds of millions of “regular people” with cheap cars and jet travel led really good lives and used a mere extraordinary amount of resources to do so. And neither group wanted to diminish their standard of living one bit.

I can’t help but think about “flying car” on 2010.

I don’t get the 2010 reference, but flying cars are something that might fall into the “just because we can doesn’t mean we should” category. I’m assuming keeping something in the air costs much more energy and pollution than using an axel. Maybe there’s more to it.

Can someone give some clarity on how bad this is? As I understand it the projected 2070 melt value is the expected average, so if this is an extreme outlier then it might not be as bad as it seems.

"faster than expected" seems to be a common theme with climate change news these days... but so long as its not happening in my lifetime it doesn't matters I guess.

"Right now" is not in your lifetime?

well if you look at the predicted time for Greenland to melt, its still ~1000 years so skeptic could easily brush it aside with this tongue-in-cheek.

btw if its not obvious this was a /s remark.

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