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But it's my camera

Clearly it's not.

This should be the top comment.

If a car mfg forced driving lights remotely and killed your ability to run and operate the car without the driving lights I feel like this issue would get more clear resistance. The workarounds are cute but the alarming issue is that we paid for these things with XYZ capabilities and specifically someone thought this feature was good enough to build and ship and maintain for years. Now that feature is removed, I guess this invalidates the previous use case to have had it. It seems fair that new cameras would have this “feature” baked in, old cameras notta. Same use case for the car scenario.

>If a car mfg forced driving lights remotely and killed your ability to run and operate the car without the driving lights I feel like this issue would get more clear resistance.

This actually already happens: case in point, Tesla (https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/attachments/notifications-co...).

I find the lack of negative press over this disturbing, to say the least- this will kill someone someday.

Tesla have also shown themselves to be untrustworthy with this capability:


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