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Land of the Free: A brief history of early American nudists (laphamsquarterly.org)
20 points by samclemens on Aug 16, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

TFA doesn't mention that Quakers ran some nudist camps etc. Or the historical association of Quakers and nudism.[0]

> EARLY QUAKERS AND "GOING NAKED AS A SIGN" By Kenneth L. Carroll One of the least understood aspects of early Quakerism was the widespread appearance of "going naked as a sign," a practice that was increasingly accompanied by other "signs and wonders" throughout the 1650s and the beginning of the 1660s. Later Quaker writers, either out of embarrassment or lack of comprehension , tended either to ignore these shortlived acts or to dismiss them as the expressions of unbalanced persons. When the religious mind and outlook of seventeenth century England are fully understood, however, it becomes clear that these manifestations can neither be ignored nor dismissed simply as the behavior of abnormal people. What is viewed as abnormal or unacceptable in the twentieth century may not always have been so interpreted (and may not continue to be so interpreted in future ages). There even appears to be a certain degree of kinship between these striking acts of certain seventeenth-century Quakers and the attitudes and expressions of many of today's youth who are protesting today's hypocrisy and social ills.

0) https://muse.jhu.edu/article/393815

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