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Are you sure you’ve explored the whole thing? The crowded lawn is certainly one part of it but there are whole swaths up near 110th that are much quieter as well as large dense tree sections e.g. near the zoo.

Having a couple trees does not make it a forest. have you ever walked out in real nature?

This is in central park: https://www.travelblog.org/Photos/514446

Most is not like that mind you. But not bad for a city forest

Not the original complainer, but that looks quite sterile to me. Apart from the trees there's very little vegetation, beyong the odd fern - no moss, no rotting logs, no undergrowth or leaf-mold floor. It doesn't look moist enough. Just dry, dusty dirt.

Those are paths people walked on. Since there’s a lot of foot traffic they’re wider than regular forests.

But yeah, it’a city forest. Not the same as wild, but more forest-ty than the discussion implied I think. Most visitors only see the south park of central park.

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