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And why do we care? Yes, a lot of yuppies go out and buy iPhone 4s so that they can be cool. They'll never install more than 3 applications, will pay out their ass for texting and will be perfectly happy flashing their iPhone to their friends. Meanwhile, 4 more Android phones are activated without any excitement, where the respective user also probably never installs a wide range of apps and pays the carrier's exhuberant SMS fee.

Is Gruber suggesting, or am I supposed to buy the notion that the emotional appeal of a product is some sort of important measurement? Who's activating more phones, who's making the revenue.

I'll never stand in line for an Android phone, I won't even stay up late to press "Buy" on when the purchase link goes live for the HTC Thunderbolt. It will still be there and will ship at the same time if I order it at 8am.

I think his suggestion is that the Apple experience is so much better that it is worth forming emotional attachment with the company, and that this is something Android will never be able to provide.

I'm indicting the linkage between the "Apple experience" and launch day lines. I don't think the launch day lines are made up of the people who really want the iPhone experience versus the iPhone brand image.

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