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Learn HTML5 from Google (html5rocks.com)
74 points by rafaelc on Jan 1, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

This would be a good New Year's resolution: to learn the in's and out's of HTML5

It's pretty awesome how many HTML5 resources have come out of the wood work. Yesterday, I decided to add Geolocation to my first mini web app and in just a little bit of surfing around I was able to learn enough to get it working. This one is presented very well and I'm sure I'll be referring back to it quite a few times.


Please make better use of it. We don't want a new blink tag.

Thank you!

  We don't want a new blink tag.
text-decoration: blink is in CSS since forever (CSS1, 1996). Only Firefox and Opera support it though.

One of the chromium lead developers gave the presentation in the examples at a google technology user group meeting. It was nice to have someone answer questions about specifics on html5 and cross compatibility (one of my concerns). I sort of was spoiled because I found about htmlrocks.com on reddit but it seems to give a great way to showcase html5. Then they gave everyone a google cr-48. The meeting was run by google / (Chicago android / Chicago Google Technology User Group http://chicagoandroid.com/ )

WOW, this is old.

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