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OpenAI Five defeats professional Dota 2 team, twice (venturebeat.com)
21 points by Leary on April 14, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

> OpenAI’s engineers opted not to have it read pixels from the game to retrieve information (like human players). It uses Dota 2’s bot API instead...

Congratulations to openai. But thank the ai gods, there is somewhere to move the goal post to.

Of the two problems solving teamwork and strategy probably has the most payoff for non game applications (OpenAI is after all a non profit with a broad mission).

Probably, though note that they’re no longer a non-profit. https://openai.com/blog/openai-lp/

So, in other words, the AI cheats?

It cheats in the sense every bot is aware of their teammates precise position and surroundings at all time. Otherwise they have reaction time added for actions.

Also it micros like it did back then. Honestly no can seem to articulate what the radical difference is between this AI five and then one from last July. It microed like a God. And had zero long term strategy. Some people who know OG said that even they played different. Which lead people to think OG threw the match in favor of OpenAI for an advertising stunt.

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