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I was declared deceased three times and it destroyed my credit (reddit.com)
45 points by kposehn on April 13, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

My ex was once declared deceased in her company's payroll system. They immediately canceled her health insurance, and it took weeks to get it all sorted out... apparently the interface for the employee database doesn't allow for mistakes (or undead employees, I guess). I'm suddenly grateful that it didn't leak further than that. What a nightmare

It's a sad commentary on the current state of society that pretty much the only constructive advice people can find to offer the OP is to try to use social media or a sympathetic journalist to create outrage.

Unable to work, buy, sell, or travel, due to a bureaucracy error. Ignoring for the moment the error itself, that's a truly scary amount of control.

Bureaucracy error?

You mean shitastic work by a credit agencies because they half ass everything and cut corners. If 99% of their records are correct, then who cares if they are somehow screwing 1% of error filled profiles. They got their pile of money.

I'm not saying the credit agencies shouldn't all go bankrupt, and, in an ideal world, have their owners lined up against a wall and shot (exaggerating, but not much).

I'm saying that, no matter how incompetent or malicious they are, they (or anyone!) shouldn't have that much influence over people's lives in the first place.

Nothing unusual in India, it's a regular scam over there: https://www.improbable.com/2018/07/27/update-on-association-...

Civil death issued to be a somewhat common type of punishment.


The author set up a GoFundMe, if you're moved to help:


With the article removed (from reddit) I think it is safe to say it's a scam.

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