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Show HN: Use Deep Learning to Automatically Colorize Black and White Photos (algorithmia.com)
48 points by middle1 on April 13, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

I think that https://colourise.sg/ does a better job. 5he samples I tried looked better from colourise IMHO.

This is just advertising, no?

That's awesome and useful algo!

Here is the same algorithm you can deploy like a docker container and use like a Function-As-a-Service:


Why are you using so many nonstandard ligatures? It's very distracting.

Yeah, you're right. The non-standard font is distracting from the main point.

Is your website completely blank?

It's like your trying to run a service but just gave up...

Yeah, at the time I was deluded to think that if I just build something -> "people will come". It did not happen. Then removed the homepage but forgot to delete the blog page.

That's pretty useful and the website looks pretty interesting too.

Anyway so I was wondering if it was possible to create a www.remote.bg clone using your site and if so how much it will cost to serve 1k / day request?

I tried it. It adds color but not the real original colors. It does guess well though.

Was interested until the dark patterns in the data use popup started kicking in :(

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