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Ammonite: Scala Scripting (ammonite.io)
21 points by based2 on April 13, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I'm just writing an emacs process-output reader on top of https://github.com/zwild/ammonite-term-repl to get Ammonite's completion directly in emacs buffers. Of course it's a (very) dirty hack compared to something like a notebook or nREPL, but for my needs a notebook is too heavyweight and there isn't a nREPL implementation for ammonite/scala.

I started writing this so I could at the same time learn some elisp while writing something I would use in future. I'm still trying to figure out things (git forkflow, elisp, scala) but it already seems to work most of the times.

Link: https://github.com/spellcard199/ammonite-term-repl-completio...

Neat, will check it out

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