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Chinese AI: Year 1 of ChinAI (chinai.substack.com)
54 points by yarapavan on April 13, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

I would go with “chAIna” as a name

Section 5:

> Chinese people ... care about AI-related ethics issues,

> including privacy. Let’s dispel once and for all with this

> fiction that there are no discussions of AI ethics

> happening in China.

I'm happy to hear that :-) But one of the biggest privacy violators is China government, right? I'm curious why the section didn't mention about that

I'd guess some things affect the way they see it.

a) Their media probably doesn't point it's finger at Chinese gov very often about this specific subject (or any other) b) Our media/government is just too eager to point their finger at China, for many social/cultural/political regions. This barrage of criticising tends to make many people believe the issue is exaggerated and even fabricated after some time. c) If you're Chinese, item 'b'is specifically impacting, since you not only may prefer believing in your own government, you know for a fact that US and NATO have specific interest in painting your country badly, regardless of how much truth is or isn't involved in the arguments.

If you are a chinese in China, you mostly aren’t consuming overseas media. Whatever “our media” is reporting is irrelevant.

The Chinese government likes to make examples of overseas companies on privacy issues, sometimes they’ll even make an example of a domestic company, if they are feeling particularly daring they’ll single out a corrupt official in some obscure local government, but that is the extent of it.

I can’t speak for the Chinese, but my countrymen in Iran are horrifyingly privacy-blind. The concept doesn’t seem to be well formed or understood by them, and even if it is, they just don’t care. Of course, this is not true of all Iranians, but it is still true of almost all the traditional people (which themselves are probably %95 of the country), and most of the more “Westernized” “modern” people. In fact, I can count Iranians I know personally who have been outraged by privacy crises on one hand. And the country is teeming with such crises; E.g., Most people here use Telegram, and most Telegram users use government-affiliated clients for connecting to it.

The definition of privacy in China is definitely not the same as in western standard. marriage, or even family issue is not a privacy issue. Health issue is not a privacy issue. Anything happen in public is not a privacy issue, your salary is not a privacy issue. Your dating life is not a privacy issue. Old people tend to live in small community so people can talk about anything. Younger generations will be living in city and social with new friends, so they will be more private.

What they write is not important.

It's what they do.

The culture there is very different to ours ( friend politics..), we conceive it as important, because it's written. But that's not the case in their eyes.

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