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American College of Radiology unveils free AI software development platform (healthcareitnews.com)
12 points by pplonski86 on April 13, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Nvidia’s clara sdk is supposed to be a part of it: https://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/nvidia-and-american-colle...

Reading from the ACR website, I saw the word "open" but not "free". At least in my experience it means no beer or speech. Remember that PACS systems use different file formats, storage technologies (flat file, RDMS, tree storage, etc.) and the ACR has interfaces to them all for peer review and other clinical processes. In this context it could just mean its building a toolkit that can operate on all systems.

According to this link: https://www.acrdsi.org/Get-Involved/AI-LAB more information will be released next month at their conference.

I was looking to download this toolkit/framework but this is all that I could find; https://www.acrdsi.org/Get-Involved/AI-LAB

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