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The simplest explanation of why this is a tragically bad idea for them can be explained by a single product: “condoms”.

If they automatically identify photos where someone happens to have left out a condom somewhere in the frame, and then use their likeness to advertise that brand of condoms (at the brand’s request), they will destroy any remaining trust in their platform among teens and inspire hostile legislation after the progeny of a public figure have their face used in such an ad without their opt-in consent.

This is one of the worst ideas they could possibly have come up with. It’s insane to think what kind of filter bubble they’re working within that permit this to proceed to the patent stage.

It is the same filter bubble that leads an employee to triumphantly proclaim

"Remember, what Facebook is doing has never been done before. There are going to be mistakes."


It reminded me of this classic tweet:


This tweet is absolutely ridiculous, but sadly at the same time represents a non minor opinion.

I wonder why we need to justify everything as a fault of a "filter bubble". Can't it be that these are bad/selfish/self-absorbed people?

Self-absorption and selfishness at the expense of others is a “filter bubble” that seems popular these days. While you could probably construct an argument that this slang isn’t the best description, that’s no reason to stop using it as shorthand for “a subgroup of modern social culture whose values are locally aligned but contrast with those otherwise proximal to them, whether physically or culturally”. Being selfish does not imply that you are a member of a local ‘cult’ of selfishness, so a group-focused slang will be required if you seek to replace that usage of filter bubble.

"It takes a village to raise a child".


You've been breaking the guidelines a whole lot. If you won't comment civilly and substantively we'll ban the account.


For tragically bad, I would go with five words: "know someone who is pregnant?" with a picture of the user's teenage daughter like Target[1] except more social. I am pretty sure that could turn into a greater tragedy, and probably is inevitable given how much of a distortion field this requires to implement.

1) https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-targ...

Most companies patent stuff they never make just to bump up their portfolio size.

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