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This is embarassing on so many levels. For the record, those weren't "false" reports, they were false reports. No need for scare quotes here, just read the blog[0] (also, good job BBC for not linking to the blog). Among the links asked to be taken down are scholar articles on Spectrum Sharing or US reports.

Furthermore, laws that require action "within the hour" from small organizations that don't have the manpower to answer those shouldn't exist. The fact that the Internet Archive risks getting blocked is ridiculous. Those laws have a huge potential for abuse.

And finally, despite this having hit the news yesterday already, they are still "receiving lots of takedown notices from the French IRU." So it looks like the IRU doesn't give a crap. This is a sad world we live in.

[0]: https://blog.archive.org/2019/04/10/official-eu-agencies-fal...

> For the record, those weren't "false" reports, they were false reports.

The BBC has always had this very aggressive quoting style, and they're not wrong. They're reporting that the Archive believes the reports to be false. The word is quoted because the archive is the one making the assertion, not the BBC. The phrase "terrorist propaganda" is also quoted because it's the claim made by the other side, also being presented without judgment of truth from the BBC.

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