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Review of The Players Ball by David Kushner (bloomberg.com)
8 points by pseudolus on April 13, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

  Most of us think of the business leaders behind the modern    
  internet as clean-cut, scientifically minded overachievers,
  such as Amazon.com’s Jeff Bezos, Facebook’s  
  Mark Zuckerberg, and Google’s Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
Err, no?

> Err, no?

Are you suggesting those are not the "leaders behind the internet" or that those people are not "clean-cut, scientifically minded overachievers"?

I do, all those gentlemen went to elite universities. Jack is probably the least clean cut of the major tech CEOs that get press.

> all those gentlemen went to elite universities.

That might be how they convinced people to invest in their plans.

Given that most of them were there for exactly long enough to decide it wasn't worth staying and left, how exactly does that matter? Being clean cut isn't just about pedigree.

Page and Brin were PhD students, so very much not just there long enough to decide it's not worth it, as they had at least graduated from a bachelor's, and had likely been there for more than a year after. Bezos graduated from his bachelor's degree.

So really only Zuckerberg

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